The College has a full-fledged Library with a Reading Hall. It is enriched with more than 3500 books. Other than prescribed texts, the library stocks several books dealing with specialized topics. 7 different journals and periodicals are subscribed to keep students and faculty updated with the latest in the IT field such-
- Journal of Indian Education (NCERT)
- Primary Shikshak (NCERT)
- Primary Teacher (NCERT)
- School Science (NCERT)
- Journal of education for Sustainable Development
- Journal of Educational Planning & Administration
- Journal of Indian Education
- MERI Journal of Education
The library is equipped with a photocopier. Digital Subscriptions of all the IEEE and ACM Journals are also available.
ICT Laboratory
There is a full-fledged ICT room with more than 11 No of computers and ample opportunity is offered to the teacher trainees to put on hands-on training and to acquaint with fundamental knowledge on computers. The teacher trainees are encouraged to prepare PowerPoint and Graphical Presentation.
Psychological Laboratory
The college facilitates high quality and advanced psychological laboratory for its trainees. The laboratory is fully furnished with modern psychological tools to test the different abilities of trainees. Along with different psychological types of equipment like Memory Drum, Mirror Drawing Apparatus, Punch Board Learning Apparatus, Performance test (Bhatia Battery), Stop Watch, etc., it also provides different psychological charts, pictures, and models for the benefit of trainees.
Sciene & Technology Laboratory
The college is equipped with well-furnished hi-tech equipment which will enable the teacher trainees to be familiar and skilled with new methods and techniques in the instructional process. The Laboratory is well equipped with TV, Computers, LCD, Projector, Tape recorder, Radio, Charts, DVD and Educational CDs, etc.
Facilities for Games and Sports
The college has a well-furnished facility for gymnasium, athletics, indoor and other outdoor games.
Other facilities available
The college facilitates high quality and advanced psychological laboratory for its trainees. The laboratory is fully furnished with modern psychological tools to test the different abilities of trainees. Along with different psychological types of equipment like Memory Drum, Mirror Drawing Apparatus, Punch Board Learning Apparatus, Performance test, Stop Watch, etc., it also provides different psychological charts, pictures, and models for the benefit of trainees.